Chet Warren, CFP®
Intelligent Design Advisors
Chet Warren is a Co-Founder and President of Intelligent Design Advisors. Chet graduated from Marshall University with a degree in Economics and subsequently a MBA in Economics. He obtained the Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) designation in 2011.
He began his career at Smith Barney in 2000 as a Financial Advisor. Chet entered the industry during a dynamic time in the market which, provided him with a unique perspective. The stock market had been on a 30-year bull market run and people were just beginning to experience their first bear market in a generation. Over the course of the next 17 years he developed numerous quantitative methods to assessing the financial markets and determine how to best take advantage of market conditions.
Chet lives in Brownsburg, Indiana with his wife Cindy and their three children. He is a member and volunteer at Traders Point Christian Church.